Dallas Domestic Violence Defense: Protecting Yourself and Your Rights
In Dallas, allegations of domestic violence are a serious matter, carrying severe consequences that can irrevocably alter the course of someone’s life. While true acts of domestic violence should always be condemned and prosecuted, it’s crucial to acknowledge that false accusations occur with alarming frequency. These false accusations, driven by various motives like revenge or […]
Texas Self-Defense Laws: Protecting Yourself and Understanding Transferred Intent
Have you ever wondered what your rights are if you’re forced to defend yourself in Texas? Self-defense laws can be complex, and the situation can become even more confusing if someone else is accidentally injured during the incident. This is where understanding “transferred intent” becomes crucial. In this blog post, M|C Criminal Law, a Dallas-based […]
Texas Self-Defense: Beyond the Obvious Threat – Protecting Yourself When Danger Appears
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt the need to defend yourself, but the threat wasn’t entirely clear-cut? Maybe someone was approaching you aggressively in a dark parking lot, or perhaps someone made a sudden movement towards their pocket that seemed like they might be reaching for a weapon. In Texas, […]
What Are the Rules on Self Defense in Texas?
If you were in a situation in which you needed to use self-defense, and now you are facing criminal charges or are under investigation, you might be wondering about the rules for self-defense in Texas. Whether or not you can claim self-defense to justify your actions and avoid criminal charges depends on the facts of […]
Many people have become crime show junkies through TV, movies, and the ever-expanding world of podcasts, but you won’t learn much about Texas law that way. The Lone Star State has its own way of doing things, including criminal law. Unlike the TV dramas, for example, you don’t have to prove motive in Texas. Unless […]